SC Board of Trustees

Welcome to the Board of Trustees webpage! The Santiam Christian School Board of Trustees is dedicated to guiding and supporting the mission of our school by providing strategic leadership and stewardship. Our board members bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to our school, ensuring we remain faithful to our values while fostering growth and excellence. Here, you can learn more about our board members, their roles, and the important work they do to shape the future of Santiam Christian School.

Board Documents

In the Board Documents section, you'll find important resources related to the governance and leadership of Santiam Christian School. This includes meeting time and location, policies, and any other key documents that reflect the decisions and direction of our Board of Trustees. These materials are available to keep our community informed and engaged with the work being done to support the school's mission and long-term success.

Santiam Christian School Board Contact Form

  • Current SC families can access the Board Policy Manual through their FACTS account.

  • The Board Member application process is now open to all current parent members of SC. Those interested in becoming Board Members must first fill out the application between now and February 20, 2025. Applications then go to the current board for review, after which the board contacts candidates personally. Those individuals who meet the requirements of a board member will be presented for a vote in the annual membership meeting in May.

  • Upcoming Meetings:

    Tuesday, October 15th - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    Tuesday, November 19th - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    No Meeting in December

    Tuesday, January 21st - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    Tuesday, February 25th - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    Tuesday, March 18th - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    Tuesday, April 22nd - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

    Tuesday May 20th - 6:30pm in the SC Board Room

The Santiam Christian School Board Contact Form provides a direct and confidential way for parents, staff, and community members to share their thoughts, questions, or concerns with the SC Board. This form allows you to communicate with board members about school policies, governance matters, or other topics related to the school’s mission and direction. While the board values all input, please note that day-to-day operational concerns should be directed to the appropriate school administrators. All submissions will be reviewed, and responses will be provided as needed. Thank you for your engagement and support of Santiam Christian School!

Current Board Members

  • Brandon Schmidgall

    Board President

  • Jeremy Kudlo

    Board Treasurer

  • Joanna Woods

    Board Secretary

  • Kevin Jamison

  • Meg Jones

  • Scott Setniker

    Board Vice President

  • Tim Euhus

  • Travis Boshart

  • Al Stefan

    Superintendent, Ad-hoc non-voting Trustee


  • Since the quality of the board of Santiam Christian Schools is critically important to the well-being of the school, it is essential that the integrity and excellence of the School Board be assured. To the Board is given the vital task of overseeing and guaranteeing, under the Lordship of Christ, the accomplishment of the school's mission statement. A position on the board involves hard work, long hours, and commitment to Christian education. As leaders of the school, board members must provide a living example of sacrifice and service to the Lord's work in Christian education.

    Spiritual Qualifications

    These spiritual qualifications are essential for election to the board at Santiam Christian School. In this leadership role, a board member serves as a Christian role model to our entire school system.

    1. Must be a "born-again" Christian who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23).

    2. Must be a spiritually mature and growing Christian who is active in their Christian life, with an understanding and commitment to a philosophy of Christian Education compatible with that of Santiam Christian Schools.

    3. Accepts, without reservation, Santiam Christian School's Statement of Faith.

    4. Affirms that the Bible is God's Word and the standard for faith and daily living.

    5. Manifests by daily example, the highest Christian virtue serving as a Christian role model (1 Timothy 4:12), both in and out of school, to pupils (Luke 6:40), parents, and fellow employees. Instruction is not only through rational explanation of formal subject material, but even more powerfully, through word, deed, example, and shared experience.

    6. Must be a role model in judgment, dignity, respect, and Christian living. This includes the development of the Fruits of the Spirit in one's life (Galatians 5:22-23), and refraining from engaging in personal areas of liberty in situations where an offense may be created within the Body of Christ. (I Cor. 8:9, Eph. 5:18, Col. 3:17, Titus 2:7-8 TLB, I Thess. 5:22‑23, and James 3:17-18).

    7. Agrees to be a Christian role model by faithfully attending, and financially supporting a local church whose fundamental beliefs are in agreement with the Santiam Christian Statement of Faith (Hebrews 10:25).

    8. Leads a sexually pure life. Any sexual misconduct including, but not limited to: premarital, extramarital, or homosexual activity; sexual harassment; use or viewing of pornographic material or websites; and sexual abuse of children, is forbidden and violates the leadership requirement of being a Christian role model  (Romans 12:1-2; I Corinthians 6:9-20; Ephesians 5:1-11; I Thessalonians 4:3-8; I John 3:1-3).

    9. Agrees that the unique roles of the male and female are clearly defined in Scripture, and that Romans 1:24-32 condemns the homosexual lifestyle (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 6:9-20; Ephesians 4:1-11, 5:3-5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:19-22; 1 Peter 1:15‑16, 2:15‑17; 1 John 3:1-3).

    10. Will identify with, and dress in accordance with, and use the facilities associated with their biological gender.  Our belief is that God immutably bestows gender upon each person as male or female to reflect His image.

    11. Shall be a Christian role model in family and financial areas. This conduct shall include, but not be limited to, one who manages their own family and finances well and fulfills their civic responsibilities (I Tim. 3:4-5; I Tim. 5:8).

      Personal Qualifications

      1. Must demonstrate the spiritual qualities of leadership found in I Timothy 3:1-12, I Peter 5, Titus 2, or in the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31.

      2. Must be a member of the Santiam Christian School Corporation.

      3. Must be willing and capable of assuming responsibility.

      4. Must have the ability to work with others.

      5. Must be willing and able to make sacrifices of their time, knowledge, and personal pleasure for the benefit of the school.

      6. Must seek to attend all meetings of the Board.

      7. When divorce is part of the past of a prospective SCS Board member, the board will make an individual examination relative to his/her qualifications to serve. (Refer to Section 2.11)

      8. Regular salaried staff and faculty personnel shall not be eligible for Board membership.

      9. Maturity in judgement, personal integrity, and discernment are requisite of those who would serve.

      10. Board members shall have all eligible children in attendance at Santiam Christian unless special circumstances make this impossible.

    Adopted by the Board July 15, 1996

    Revised   November 15, 2004

    Updated   March 2008

    Updated April 2019

  • The terms of office for a Board of Trustee member shall begin on July 1 and expire on June 30, three years later.

    There shall be no limitation imposed restricting the number of terms a member may serve on the School Board.

    Once a Trustee's children have graduated, they may serve out the remaining years of their current term.

    Responsibilities of Individual Board Members:

    1. Serve as spiritual leaders of the school, praying faithfully for the school, its personnel and ministry, and seeking God for His direction 

    2. Prepare for each board meeting by reviewing agenda, minutes of the past meeting and other materials which may be pertinent to the coming meeting.

    3. Respond in a timely manner to communication (emails) outside of board meetings.

    4. Be willing to give of his/her time and talent with a joyous spirit.

    5. Be an encourager of the administration and staff.

    6. Place a high priority on attending as many school functions as possible.

    7. Deal with all employees on the basis of Matthew 5:22‑24, 18: 15‑20, and other such passages which teach Christ‑like attitudes and dealings between Christian brothers. 

    8. Actively promote the school within the community.

    9. Willingly support SCS financially, according to his/her means.

  • – Collaboration
    – Communication
    – Resourceful connections
    – Advocate for school
    – Leadership
    – Confidentiality
    – Time commitment
    – Conflict resolution
    – Courage to share opinions
    – Solution focused
    – Willingness to debate
    – Big picture / Future focused
    – Decision making
    – Professionalism

  • The Santiam Christian School Membership meets in the spring each year to evaluate and elect members for the Board of Trustees.

    The membership is given the profiles and qualifications of each board nominee prior to the meeting. Nominees are elected on a simple yes/no vote from the majority of those in attendance at the membership meeting. If elected, the new board members will begin their three year term of service at the start of the following board calendar year.

    Every attempt will be made to place more names in candidacy than the number of positions that are open. The recommended process of nomination is as follows: 

    1. A board candidate screening committee is appointed by the board president.

    2. Potential candidate names are submitted to the board chair. 

    3. Potential candidates are reviewed.

    4. Approved candidates complete applications and may be interviewed by the screening committee.

    5. Pastoral/personal references are obtained.

    6. The final slate of candidates is presented to the parent body at its annual meeting

  • Motions come to the board of trustees from the various subcommittees that report to the board. These committees include:

    • Finance Committee

    • School Safety Committee

    • Facility Planning Committee

    • Policy Committee

    These committees meet on a regular basis to address potential issues/changes that the Board of Trustees might consider. Motions are brought to board for vote. If approved, the motion will be documented and communicated to the SC community.

  • Santiam Christian School is not a parent-run school. We are a parent governed school. This may seem like a small distinction, but we actually believe it’s a pretty important one. We are blessed with an excellent team of professional administrators. This team handles the day-to-day operations of the school. The administration runs the school- our Board of Trustees has hired them to do just that! The role of the Board of Trustees is to govern the school, not run it. We see governing as the following:

    • Protect the mission

    • Direct the vision

    • Select board nominees & equip members

    • Respect the proper decision making process of the school

    • Expect each board member to wear the right “hat” when serving on the board

    • Inspect the progress of the school against the strategic vision for the school

    • Correct (& if necessary eject) poor behavior of those serving on the board